History Of Coca Cola

Oğuz Acar
5 min readApr 17, 2024

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Coca Cola Logo

Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, is the birthplace of Coca-Cola, the world’s largest beverage company. It all started in 1886 with chemist Doctor John Pemberton, who had a successful product called French wine of cocoa. This was a heady mix of Bordeaux red wine mixed with caffeine and coca leaf extract, which was sold at $1.00 a bottle and tasting bitter. Pemberton knew that he could make more money by selling multiple drinks for $0.05 each. He adapted the bitter-tasting medicine in his pharmacy and mask it with sugar to sell to adults and children alike.

Doctor Pemberton had an accountant named Frank Robinson, who invented the name “Coca-Cola” and chose the alliterative sound of “coca” and “cola nuts” as the caffeine source. He also came up with the beautiful Coca-Cola script that became the company’s logo.

In a joint effort between Pemberton and Robinson, Coca-Cola was born. However, during the first year, it only sold $50.00 worth of stock. Doctor Pemberton died before the business became a huge success, and he ended up selling the business on his deathbed. With the inventor on his deathbed, Coca-Cola was about to be transformed by an A. Owner. ASA Candler managed to corral the ownership and made it a nationally successful soccer team.

